Thursday, October 29, 2009


Why is this writeup?
brother, to tell you that this is not that difficult and its good thing to have in your code.

Log4net package is used for logging in for more you read wiki.

1) Download Zip file using Wget. there would be good chance that it will unzip. Got this after downloading using Firefox/IE/Safari on Mac. downloaded zip file was corrupted always. finally downloading using wget worked on mac and windows both.

2) log4net usage.
its quite simple and standard
things to checkout before you get frustrate and giveup.
a) Download zip using wget and get proper dll file and add it as a reference.
b) Add line in assemblyinfo file which tells that configuration for log4net is stored in Web.config
c) add proper config info in Web.config file which you can find easily on internet.

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